Looking for climbing partner
Looking for a climbing partner for a week in September will be in the area of frankenjura from the18th September to the 28th September coming from the uk, passing tho to czech, climb around the 7c mark but happy to climb with anyone who loves climbing of any grades as long as they can tie in and catch. Paul
raymus am 16.09.21 (bearbeitet am 17.09.21)
Im in Nuremberg right now looking for anyone that knows the area! Let’s link up
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jlong367 am 19.09.22
Achtung! Hello! I am looking to climb frankenjura this weekend - sept 24/25 and need a partner. Living in munich but I'm from the US and can climbing up to the 7b/c mark. Passionate about climbing and a great catch. You can text me at +49 152 369 56004 or email at